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- /*
- RestoreCluts.c
- Developing programs that modify the clut can be annoying, because one frequently
- aborts the program for one reason or another and then faces an editing environment
- in which text is hard to see because of the weird clut settings. No longer.
- Somewhere near the beginning of your program insert the line:
- AtExitToShell(RestoreCluts);
- This requests that RestoreCluts() be run when you quit, even if
- it's an abnormal exit, e.g. escape to shell from MacsBug.
- (AtExitToShell is equivalent to the non-ANSI _atexit() routine provided
- by the THINK C environment.)
- CAUTION: the atexit(), and _atexit() routines should not be used in
- MATLAB code resources. The reason is that they will only be invoked when MATLAB
- exits, after your code resources have already been flushed, so you'll crash.
- At this writing (7/1/95) it's safe to call AtExitToShell(), but it will have
- no effect if MATLAB is true.
- For reasons that I don't understand, Apple's RestoreDeviceClut doesn't seem to
- do anything, even though my GDRestoreDeviceClut works fine.
- 4/25/92 dgp wrote it. Why didn't I think of this sooner?
- 12/8/92 dgp simplified code, based on Apple's Snippet:
- RestoreColorsSlam() in ColorReset.c.
- 12/9/92 dgp replaced call to Apple's RestoreDeviceClut by my GDRestoreDeviceClut,
- since Apple's routine doesn't seem to do anything.
- 12/15/92 dgp Renamed to GDRestoreDeviceClut for consistentcy with
- Apple's capitalization of RestoreDeviceClut.
- 2/22/93 dhb & dgp Converted for MATLAB
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- //#include <Menus.h>
- void RestoreCluts(void)
- {
- // RestoreDeviceClut(NULL); // Apple's version, restore all cluts
- GDRestoreDeviceClut(NULL); // my version, restore all cluts
- // Apple suggests making these two calls as well, to force redrawing of
- // everything.
- PaintBehind(NULL,GetGrayRgn());
- DrawMenuBar();
- }